Learn more about my services

Hello! Are you someone who…

Has been inspired to make a change in your business?

Values building a really strong foundation and having everything in place?

Loves to learn & envision what your business will look like in a year?

Is looking for stability in your business and the loyalty of your customers?

Enjoys taking in info at their own pace [ or ] has limited available time for business development?

Current Resources:

The “Loves me loves me not” Client Offboarding Guide

DIY Resources

The “Loves me, loves me not” Client Offboarding Guide

  • What’s Included?

    The power of your offboarding experience.

    The who, what, where and why of referrals.

    Getting the most out of your testimonial questionnaire.

    How to provide value and build lasting relationships with your clients.

Maybe you’re more like someone who…

Likes to ask questions?

Needs to see multiple examples to understand how to intergrate a concept into their business?

Doesn’t mind taking the extra time to fully understand the new process?

Benefits from being held accountable?

Is always in catch-up mode? It feels like you have to take it one day at a time and never get to think of the bigger picture.

Is stressed AF about the backend of your business? It feels overwhelming and you either don’t have the time or don’t know where to begin.

Would love to have 1:1 support for your business from someone who values clear communication, authentic entrepreneurship & loves to color-code spreadsheets?

Current Offers:

Client Experience VIP Intensive

Online Business Management

Upgrade your Workflow ( currently unavailable )


  • Say Hello to the Client Experience VIP Intensive. Let me show you how to stop chasing your next client and feel valid in increasing your prices.

    This VIP intensive is a workday filled with client experience strategy that will help make you the obvious choice in your field. Get an actionable plan that exceeds your clients’ expectations, all while thoroughly getting to know your audience and fine tuning your business.

    It’s about time you raise your prices and the market value of your business without the uncertainty that may come with it. You can practically see it now:  you are putting your best foot forward for your clients, feeling good about the services you’re providing and referrals are streaming into your inbox.

    You already know how great a positive client experience can make you feel. You’re ready for your clients to know that feeling too.

    Imagine being able to have warm leads flowing into your inquiry box - excited to be working with you! No more chasing clients or battling for the spotlight with your competition, just supporting your clients in a way that aligns with your business and serves them best.

  • You know it’s possible to have consistent leads in your inbox. To feel aligned with the clients you bring on, to give them the experience that delights them at every step and turn them into a brand ambassador for your business. But how do you get there?

    What if you could wake up every day without worrying about finding the next client? Stop what you’re doing and ask yourself: how would your life change if you could have a network that is eager to work with you? Because right now, you’re stuck in the day-to-day of your business, and when you’re busy chasing one client at a time it's hard to see the bigger picture.

  • Welcome to: your Client Experience VIP Intensive

    A full VIP day of personalized client experience strategy to help you increase your customer loyalty & retention without an increase in efforts of sales or marketing. A one day roadmap to understanding your customers better and exceeding their expectations.

    1 day | 5-6 hrs of strategy calls |

    A deep dive into your client's behavior & desires that allows you to stop guessing and gives you the insight you need to provide a memorable client experience.

    1 [ 30 min] recap of the takeaways and action items of the day via Loom or Team Meeting.

    2 weeks of access to me & questions through Voxer & Slack

    Oh, and lunch is on me!

    What does the day look like?

    1.Client Journey Mapping

    Let’s walk through your current workflow and visualize how customers feel at all brand touchpoints. We will brainstorm how to avoid potential issues ahead of time, increase customer retention, and discover key information to make the best decisions for your business.

    2.Market Research

    Getting to know your clients on a deeper level. Discovering their wants, needs, pain points, their love language, the jobs they hire you for and personalizing the experience for them in a way that can be streamlined.


    3.Client Experience Strategy

    We will create a mission statement for your client experience strategy in order to remember the main goal and stay committed to it. Once the goal has been defined, we will be breaking it down into actionable bite-sized chunks for you to execute.

    4.Test your Workflow

    I will take every step within your workflow and together we will identify if there are any inconsistencies, opportunities or edits that we can make to your process that will make your life easier and help you provide excellent client experience.

    5. Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

    We will review the current KPIs you are using to track the client experience in your business and upgrade them to align with the new CX strategy of your business. I will provide a list of possible client experience KPIs that we can go through to see which ones best fit your personal business model. You will also see how to best track these and use a feedback loop to consistently check in with your clients and improve upon your client experience.

  • Deliverables:

    • Completed Client Journey Map

    • Market Map explaining you company's unique value proposition

    • Competitor Analysis

    • List of KPIs personalized to your business

    • KPI tracker

    • Daily Report of key takeaways from our VIP day.

    • List of action items to take your client experience to the next level

  • Everything Included:

    ✔️Client Journey Mapping & completed PDF

    ✔️ Market Research on your past and current clients

    ✔️ Client Insights PDF

    ✔️ 1 List of top 10 CX KPIs to be tracking in your business

    ✔️ 1 Guide to reading and improving the KPI data PDF

    ✔️ 1 Daily Report PDF a short summary of everything we uncovered, changed and implemented during the VIP day.

    ✔️ 5-6 hrs. of strategy calls

    ✔️ 2 weeks of support through Voxer/Slack/IG

    Put your best foot forward in 2023!

    Inquire Here

  • ⏹️ 15% off first 3 months of OBM work

    ⏹️ 3 month check-in. Let’s keep ourselves accountable & check in 3 months down the line for a call to see how everything is going. [ $50 USD ]

  • What does CX stand for? - abbreviation for “Client Experience “

    What is a VIP day? A virtual or in person event that allows you service providers to dedicate an entire day to helping one client. We make one bug push to get everything done. The day consists of data collection and strategy calls. Then, I take a day to compline all of the takeaways into easy to digest deliverables and an action items. After the VIP day, you can ask me to come onto a complimentary team call to explain the new strategy and takeaways to you or our team, or have the option to receive this information via Loom video. Don’t worry, if you have questions I will be available to you for 2 weeks post VIP day!

  • Project, Operations & People management.

    Let’s get you caught up in your biz by setting up a strong foundation that works & makes you look good.

    12 weeks from now, you’ll be on a guilt free vacation enjoying family time or alone time in peace & with confidence in your business running smoothly even if you’re not there.

    Bringing on a team member to split the work gives you back the time you deserve to enjoy your life. Fill your cup, make new memories, create experiences & have newfound space to create the next show stopping idea.

    No more limits! Want to feel like you can do anything? This is the service for you.

  • Of course it depends on the clients and the needs of the business - but here are some of my day-to-day tasks:

    • Creating Project Briefs

    • Leading Team & Project Kick Off Meetings

    • Managing & Organizing CRMs

    • Communicating with the team and making sure projects are completed within the assigned deadlines

    • Creating SOP’s

    • Creating systems for onboarding and offboarding clients

    • Implementing new tools for the company & leading trainings for the team

    Basically, I work on making your ideas come to life & make sure that the day-to-day of your business is smooth sailing to reaching your goals.

  • Yes! I love to personalize my offers for my clients. Every business is different and every business owner has different needs.

    Consider hiring me for a shorter period of time to get caught up and put systems in place. I can get in and work my magic leaving you feeling empowered by your systems and workflow.

  • I know that deciding to hire an OBM is a big step. It feels vulnerable to let someone into the backend and allow them to take over aspects of your business.

    It’s even worse that the general advice is to start before you are ready - like what is that about? But it’s true - it is much easier to hire someone before you are desperate for help. When its just you, nothing in your business will get accomplished with you being the the visionary, project manager, operations leader and the executer of it all. Trust me when I say that you can only do that for so long before you start to burn out. Don’t make yourself hate what you do, lean in to growing your business and moving forward.

    Fill out the form below to get started and we will set up a call to chat!

  • I am putting this offer on pause as I study up for my Dubsado certification in order to provide my clients an optimal and streamlined experience. If you need personalized help with your workflow, please fill out my general inquiry form and I will get back to you within 24 hrs.

    Contact Form

Maybe you’re here to connect with other entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurship can be lonely, sometimes it feels like no one else understands what we’re going through. Running your own business really is a unique career choice, and connecting with others in your industry can be a rare occasion. Many of us went from corporate jobs to a team of one. I, for one miss the connections, brainstorm sessions, celebrations and sense of community that came from being on a team. When we collaborate, we are forced to think differently. We are constantly learning from one another and sharing stories and ideas. I would love to create opportunities where we can learn, empower & inspire.

Current Offers & Resources

BRAVE MONDAY - free community call


  • FREE Community Call Every Monday @ 9 AM EST.

    Start your work week on a morning call with your entrepreneur besties. We are here to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of entrepreneurship and how it affects our life and to support each other through this journey.

    The world of entrepreneurship can be a lonely one… so grab your coffee, bring your pet, and lets brave Mondays together.

  • Sign up for our private Brave Monday room using the link below an I’ll see you next Monday bright and early!




For personalized offers, questions, concerns, or feedback. I’d love to hear from you!