Online Business Management

Change the way business feels

Say 'YES' to yourself with freedom & confidence!

Have you ever had those weeks where every block of your time is spoken for?

You have been doing it all, you’re ambitious, driven, resilient, smart, hard working - and you’re exhausted.

If you’re working as hard as you can but find yourself spinning your wheels, it’s time to ask:
How do I break the cycle?


No one else can do what you do with the same energy, knowledge, perspective and mission. You hold the same value in your personal life - you’re irreplicable to your friends and family.

Running a business takes over not just your time, but your mental load. If you’re the only person who is in tune with the ins and outs of your business, you’re always going to be at the center of the day-to-day process. As your goals and business expand, you may be reevaluating how you spend and prioritize your time.

Hiring an Online Business Manager is going to be the closest you can get to being in two places at once , at least until they figure out how to clone us…


  • All those ideas scattered in your notes? Let’s make them a reality! Together, we collaborate on new and existing projects for your business. You work on the parts of your business that excite you and require your creative genius, and I take over the project management and assure that everything gets done within our timeline. The value is in the accountability, timeliness, and stress relief that comes with splitting the mental load of running a business.

  • If your systems are … dusty, or non existent - it’s okay! I know how it can be, you blink and all of the sudden you realize that “move over to Dubsado“ has been on your to do list for 6 months now. ( oh hey, that’s me! )

    This is your opportunity for a guided spring cleaning! Together we’ll talk about your big picture vision of your business and break down what‘s needed to get you there. I’ll help you set up the systems that will support you in reaching your goals, and you won’t have to worry about things like new hire onboarding in the future because everything will have an SOP.

  • A good client experience ultimately boils down to how much time and attention you can spend on your clients. As business picks up and your plate starts to spill over, it’s easy to forget the little things that make a big difference. By splitting your workload and working with an experience CX strategist, you can implement a client experience strategy that leaves your clients raving about you and your biz.

  • Every business has unique needs, personalities and goals. I take everything into consideration when we collaborate. I want to understand your communication style, love language, why you do what you do and how you think when you make decisions. I will work to support you and your biz in a unique way that best benefits you.

  • No more missed DMs - you now have the space to make sure all of your people are accounted for. I’ll help you ensure that no one in your community is forgotten about and no email falls through the cracks.

  • No need to stay up late and catch up on any work. Now that you have a teammate to split the to do list & the mental load, the time spent outside of work is a million times more engaging and fulfilling without the day’s leftover problems casting a shadow.

How do you know if I’m the right OBM for you?

The whole idea behind“ If you change nothing, nothing changes ” is kinda hard to accept these days when we’re all looking for some type of stability in our lives. We know making a change isn’t easy, but when you consider the outcome of not changing anything at all… which option better aligns with the vision you have for your life?

  • Patterns you may be noticing ...

    when your business starts taking over your life →

  • You're saying "no" to the things that used to bring you joy

    Of course, running a business takes a lot of time and brain power, but it shouldn’t take away from you experiencing your life. Ideally, you want energy to be leftover to do the things you love.

    Listen, it’s normal to be excited about your business and want to spend a lot of time on it. My advice is to just try and not let it sweep you away from everything else. Remember that first relationship when you lowkey forgot about all of your friends? We don’t want that happening again here.

  • Work becomes your default

    Have you heard of the” Might-As-Well-Work” mindset ? ( SaraRoss ) It’s the belief that if you don’t have something better to do (or are too tired to actually think of anything else), your default mode might be to do more work.

  • Your business nudges your personal boundaries

    We may not all feel an immediate shift in the energy when we skip a lunch break, spend a week working late from bed, or decline lunch with an old college roommate. Although, you’ll definitely see a change in your lifestyle if these small behaviors become new habits in your life.

  • Breaking promises

    Have you ever told yourself you were going to bed early, but towards the end of the day, the last few lines on your to do list burnt their image into your brain? Typically resulting in you feeling like you have to stay up and finish them or else you’ll have to do it tomorrow (stressful!!) OR You move those items in bulk from day-to-day as you pretend it hasn’t been two months since you wrote down “ start a podcast. ”

    It sucks when you realize you didn’t keep your word, you don’t want to be letting yourself down . On the other hand, the experience teaches you to recognize that your expectations for yourself may be too high, or that you need to reprioritize your time and draw stronger boundaries.

  • Struggling to focus on one thing at a time

    @Cal Newport “ A World Without Email

    Defines the “hyperactive hivemind” as distractions and notifications pulling us from one task to another leaving us feeling drained and exhausted with very little to show for it.

    We’ve all had those days: moving on from one thing to the next, email to email, to slack, to meetings, to checking social media, to ordering a new pillow off Amazon. You’re working a lot, but you don’t seem to be getting a whole lot done.

  • Not allowing yourself a break until you "deserve" it.

    If your mindset withholds you from rest, relaxation, or leisure time until certain conditions or accomplishments are met, this may be the very reason you are feeling stressed or burnout. Prioritizing rest and self care will enhance overall well-being, boost productivity, and promote long-term success.

Hiring full support for your business is the best solution for putting your worries to rest and giving yourself peace of mind. Knowing someone’s got your back and that your business is running efficiently while you enjoy time outside of it… that’s a game changer.